BOE Approves $1,000 Retirement/Early Resignation Incentive


Early retirement/early resignation incentives were approved by the Unified School District No. 214 Board of Education when they  met Monday in regular session.

The board approved $1,000 incentive for certified staff who participate in the process, which requires all resignations to be submitted to the superintendent no later than noon on Monday, January 9, 2023.

Superintendent Corey Burton reviewed the first read of proposed policy changes for the board and also shared a list of CTE equipment for disposal or sale via an online auction. Board members voted in favor of approving the surplus list and disposal of surplus.

A Grant County Cares Foundation Grant for Hickok STEM in the amount of $1,000 was approved and accepted by board members.

Under Old Business:

Board members discussed next steps for a potential school bond

Burton gave a verbal update on the FFA/Coop lease agreement and reviewed the district's 2022-2023 COVID protocols/plan. The board approved the COVID plan.

In other business:

νThe board approved the adoptionof the agenda with the addition of 10.c, Grant County Foundation Cares Grant.

νNicole Winner read a thank you letter from Marcia Raines.

νThe board approved the consent agenda as presented.

νApproved the minutes of a regular meeting on November 21, and a Special Board of Education meeting November 30.

νApproved the bills in the amount of $586,983.63; the transfer of monies on an "as needed basis" to cover expenses attributed to the food service, transportation, vocational education, and bilingual special funds.

νApproved the High Plains Educational Cooperative Board minutes (HPEC) from November 12.

νLexi Hittle and Jose Terango presented the board with a Ulysses High School finals policy amendment.No action was taken.

During staff reports:

νUlysses High School Principal Justin Coffey requested approval for Mr. Casper and welding students to attend the welding competition at the Missouri Welding Institute planned for January 27, 2023. The board approved the request which included providing transportation costs and approval for them to travel out of state.

νPrincipals for the various schools submitted written building reports to the board. Assistant Superintendent and Director of Learning reports were provided by Mr. Warner, who gave a verbal report of the highlights he had included in his written report. Superintendent Burton provided the board with a report on upcoming activities in the school district.

Executive Sessions

Board members went in to not one, but five executive sessions during their Monday meeting, all of which were designated to discuss personnel matters of non-elected personnel to protect the "privacy interests of the individual(s) to be discussed pursuant to the exemption for personnel matters under KOM. .

Action taken following the sessions included accepting the resignation of Melinda Le Vene, a Sullivan Elementary Teacher. Board members approved waiving the liquidated damages fees.

Contracts were accepted for Jennifer Hittle, Kepley Middle School Assistant Girls' Wrestling; and Nickcole Guerrero, Sullivan Elementary School teacher.

Board members approved a motion made by President Clay Scott to approve the early graduation of a student discussed in executive session at December 2022. The first session was requested at 8:12 p.m., Burton and Assistant Superintendent Kevin Warner, Nikki Garcia, and Karie Gaskill were invited to attend the session. Members returned to regular session at 8:17 p.m.

Board members went into a second executive session at 8:18 p.m. Burton, Warner, and Marcia Raines were invited to attend this session. Board members went back in to regular session at 8:23 p.m.

The third session was requested at 8:24 p.m. Burton, Warner, and Justin Coffey were invited into this executive session. Board of Education members returned to regular session at 8:29 p.m.

Nichole Winner made a motion to go into the fourth executive session at 8:33 p.m. Burton and Warner were invited into this executive session. Board members returned to regular session at 8:38 p.m.

The last executive session was called at 8:39 p.m. Once again, Burton, and Warner, along with Nikki Garcia were invited to attend. Board members returned to regular session at 8:38 p.m.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:48 p.m.


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