BWMH Auxiliary Meet To Conduct Business


Special to the Ulysses News

The BMW Hospital Auxiliary met in August to conduct business.

The Pink Ladies schedule was reviewed and gaps were filled.

There was discussion concerning the preparation of the newsletter.  The subject was tabled until a later meeting.

Bonnie Walters reported that the Red Cross Blood Drive August 1, yielded 31 pints of blood which was much lower than the goal of 43.  The next Red Cross Blood Drive will be October 3.

The great selection of items the gift shop has to offer, including many baby items and items to decorate your home, in addition to jewelry and personal items and many other fun things was discussed and members brainstormed about how to get word about the gift shop out to the community. 

Marketing, including Facebook posts was discussed.  The lovely paper pop-up bouquets that hospital patients receive will be featured in a Facebook post.

The September 11, meeting will include a brunch following the meeting and all who are interested in finding out more about the hospital auxiliary are invited to attend the meeting and the brunch that follows the meeting. 

Pioneer, the Health Department and Women of Purpose are collaborating to bring back the Community Health Fair October 26.  The Hospital Volunteers will run the canteen but will need to recruit additional help to bake the muffins required to supply the canteen.  Signup of hospital volunteers to bake muffins will take place at a later date and help from other individuals will be welcome.

Grant County Gives is coming up and fund-raising events that contribute to each organization’s total donations can begin this year September 1.  Potential events were discussed.   There are plans for a Vendor’s Market from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., October 11, along with a Chamber Coffee at 10 a.m. 

Plans for the District 6 meeting of Kansas Hospital Volunteers were begun and will be discussed further at the next meeting. 

Previously reviewed revised bylaws were brought up for vote of approval.  Taunya moved and Vana seconded the motion to approve the bylaws as previously presented.  Motion carried.

The High School Cross Country Team is in need of heart rate monitors and splints.  Details will be discussed after more information is available.

Meeting adjourned at 11:25 a.m.


The BMW Hospital Auxiliary met in the Cooper-Clark Room of the Library at 9:30 a.m., Wednesday, September 11.

Roll call was taken and 10 members were in attendance:  Sue-Ellen Borthwick, Joyce Briggs, Joyce Brom, Vana Campbell, Jeri Howard, Taunya Lindahl, Delores Ungles, and Bonnie Walters.  Connie Carlton, District 6 Coordinator, was a guest.

Vice President Bonnie Walters called the meeting to order and members recited the Auxiliary Prayer. 

Secretary, Sue-Ellen Borthwick, read the minutes of the August 14, 2024 meeting.  The minutes were approved with no questions or corrections. 

There were no communications to report.

Taunya Lindahl presented the treasurer’s report and reviewed it with the members present.  The treasurer’s report was approved. 

A question was raised regarding the endowed fund at the Grant Community Foundation and Taunya explained how the fund works and that the principal amount of the fund originally was a donation.  Every year the Foundation reviews the total revenue from the investment of the endowed funds and BWMHA typically receives a grant of 3-5 percent of the three-year rolling average amount of the fund. The last several years it has been 5 percent.

Ideas to get the word out about the great gift shop the hospital volunteers run at the hospital were discussed, as well as items that might be of interest to customers.  Handmade items are always a hit and the gift shop has many.

Connie Carlton, our guest from Larned who is the District 6 coordinator, shared a few things the volunteers do for their hospital gift shop in Larned. 

The need for volunteers to sign up to serve at the canteen for the October 3, blood drive was discussed, along with the Pink Lady and gift shop schedule.

Taunya reported all scholarships have been distributed.  She also shared her plans to do a Facebook post about the pop-up card flower bouquets the hospital volunteers have distributed.

Upcoming events were reviewed and signup sheets to serve were circulated. 

Sue-Ellen and Vana were appointed as the nominating committee for the upcoming election of BWMHA officers.

There will be an envelope in the gift shop for donations to help defray health fair expenses. 

Taunya also reported she will apply for a $500 grant available through 4-Imprint for non-profit organizations in order to print some new banners, etc., for the hospital auxiliary.

Sandy Maris has moved and will no longer be sending out the birthday cards to hospital volunteers and a call was made for a volunteer to continue this recognition of birthdays.  No one has volunteered yet.

Meeting adjourned at 11:30 a.m., and brunch was shared by hospital volunteers and guests who joined them to find out more about being a part of the Bob Wilson Memorial Hospital Auxiliary.


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