City Council Approves Land Purchase and Discuss Possible Housing Project


Ulysses City Council approved the $100,000 purchase of 28 acres at the southwest section 35-28-37 during their regular meeting November 21.

The land purchased is located in the Frazier Park area. A city spokesperson said the city is going to utilize the property for upcoming projects; however, exactly what that will be has yet to be determined.

City Administrator Alan Olson requested a 10 minute executive session pursuant to KSA 75-4319 B6, for a preliminary discussion on the acquisition of real property prior to the council's vote on the matter. Council members went back in to regular session after the 10 minutes at 5:12 p.m.

Councilman Ken Warner made the motion to make the purchase.

Olson presented the quarterly report to council members. Olson reviewed the report which covered from July 1, to September 30 of this year. Olson said at the beginning of the quarter, the City started with $10,824,375.07, and ended the quarter with $10,729,979.44. Olson noted at this time last year, the City had $9,306,050.48. He said the total indebtedness is $1,460,968.78. Olson said the City’s sales tax was predicted at $1,350,000, and is currently at $1,581,447.78.

In other business accepted and approved the consent agenda.

The meeting was adjourned by Mayor McCauley at 5:23pm.


City Councilman Caleb Woods advised Ulysses council members at their December 14 regular meeting, that there is a company in town that is "looking into doing a housing project." According to Woods, who noted he had been contacted by Bob Dale Passnini regarding the possible project, the company is considering utilizing a City-owned lot near McDonald's. If the project goes forward, Woods noted, the it could be used for apartments or mobile homes.

Many Council members stated they believed bringing more housing to Ulysses is a "great idea".

They opted to discuss the topic further at a future meeting in January 2023. 

Councilman Sam Guy presented his thoughts to remember Alan Olson through upcoming projects he had started; such as the band shell project, main street picnic tables, etc. Councilman Ken Warner said these projects will continue, with some possible delays due to waiting to hire an administrator. Each Council member also commended City staff and employees for their hard work after Olson’s passing.

In other business, the council accepted and approved the consent agenda.

The next meeting of the City Council is 5 p.m., Wednesday, December 28, at City Hall.


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