City Council Declares Grant County Gives Week


The Ulysses City Council held their meeting on Wednesday, October 12, 2022.

Those present at the meeting were Mayor Tim McCauley; Council Members: Ken Warner, Sam Guy, John Duran, Terry Maas, and Mark Diaz; City Clerk Sarah Britton, City Administrator Alan Olson, and City Attorney Lynn Koehn.

The meeting was called to order at 5:00pm by McCauley and led in prayer by James Berry.

The consent agenda was accepted and approved by the Council.

Oscar Peña visited the Council, explaining his concerns over loud cars and reckless drivers racing near the Far View Villa on Missouri street. Mayor McCauley said he would visit with the Police Chief about this issue.

The Council moved on to discuss Grant County Gives.

Judy Keusler, the Executive Director of the Grant County Community Foundation, started by telling the Council over $953,000 has been collected in the past decade and passed on to various organizations that participated in Grant County Gives. Keusler said they will be crossing the $1 Million mark in total donated funds this year. Keusler asked the council sign a proclamation to declare October 30th through November 5th, “Grant County Gives Week.” Keusler said this week has been a benefit to the community over the past few years, mentioning that all of the funds gets passed through to other organizations, unless those funds are donated specifically to the Grant County Community Foundation. Keusler mentioned the organizations involved sign an agreement to use these funds specifically in Grant County. Keulser introduced a few members of the board to the council: Ken Keusler, Jerry Jo Deckert, and Dixie Flowers.

The Council agreed to proclaim October 31st through November 6th, “Grant County Gives Week.”

The Council moved on to discuss a request from the Ulysses Maranatha Church.

Olson told the Council the Maranatha Church asked for permission to host a block party on October 22nd from 2:00pm to 6:00pm around the Gazebo on Main Street.

The Council moved on to discuss Ordinance 1315 - Animals and Fowl.

Olson told the Council Ordinance 1315 would amend the fees for impounding an animal at large. In the previous Ordinance, Article 2 section 2-206 (b) said, “Any dog or cat running at large within the city shall be impounded...”, and it will be amended to, “Any dog or cat running at large within the city may be impounded...”. Section 2-206 (c) said, “The owner of any dog or cat impounded for running at large shall, for the first offense, pay a fine of $25 plus $2 per day for the care and feeding of the dog or cat”, and it will be amended to, “The owner of any dog or cat impounded for running at large shall, for the first offense, pay a fine of $50 and $10 per day for any feeding of the dog or cat.” 2-206 (d) said, “For a second offense within a one-year period, the owner of harborer shall pay a fine of $50 plus $2 per day for the care and feeding of the dog or cat. For a third and all subsequent offenses within a one-year period, the owner or harborer shall pay a fine of $100 plus $2 per day for the care and feeding of the dog or cat.” and it will be amended to, “For a second offense within a one-year period, the owner of harborer shall pay a fine of $75 plus $10 per day for the care and feeding of the dog or cat. For a third and all subsequent offenses within a one-year period, the owner or harborer shall pay a fine of $100 plus $10 per day for the care and feeding of the dog or cat.” Olson explained this will change the 2-206 (c) minimum impound fee to $60.

Olson said they have amended the penalty to run at large in any, except pit bulls. The ordinance penalty previously said, “Any person or persons violating any provision of this article shall upon conviction thereof be punished by a fine of not less than $5 and not more than $100 or be imprisoned for not exceeding 60 days, or be both so fined and imprisoned.” The ordinance penalty has been amended to say, “Any person or persons violating any provision of this article shall upon conviction thereof be punished by a fine of not less than $5 and not more than $500 or be imprisoned for not exceeding 60 days, or be both so fined and imprisoned.”

The Council moved and passed the motion for Ordinance 1315, amending fines and fees for Animals and Fowl.

The meeting was adjourned by Mayor McCauley at 5:48pm. The next regular meeting of the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday, October 12, 2022 at 5:00pm at City Hall.


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