County hears appropriations requests


HED: County hears appropriations requests

The Grant County Commission is on the brink of figuring out its fiscal year 2025 budget, and heard a pair of last-minute appropriations requests at its July 2 meeting. The Grant County Museum Director and the Grant County Chamber of Commerce made their pitch to the commission two weeks before the commissioners will begin budge considerations July 16.

Ginger Anthony with the Grant County Museum presented a budget request of $135,098.62 for 2025, up 2% from the $132,000 approved in 2024. The bulk of the request - $81,946 - is for salaries and benefits and $24,306.60 is for employee taxes.

“Inflation and Biden,” Anthony joked.

Commissioner Marty Long asked Anthony if she was happy with the repairs that took place at the museum over the past year.

“Absolutely, and I meant to say that,” Anthony said. “What an improvement! We’ve added the lights that come on at night around the balcony. And the balcony, we don’t go out there much but it is sound. They did a great job.”

Anthony said she used special funds from memorials and gifts and had the out buildings painted.

•Grant County Chamber of Commerce director Marieta Hauser presented an appropriations request for $12,500, which is the same amount she asked for last year.

“What you have in front of you is the 2024 budget, we won’t work on our 2025 until a little bit later,” Cause said. “But I am here to request the same contribution as last year, $12,500. I want to say, first of all, thank you for the support. It allows us to continue what we do without burdening our businesses even further with dues.”

Hauser said the chamber is trying to find other resources to replace a carnival it used to cost, which was an income-producing venture that  bought out another carnival and goes to bigger cities now.

“Im still working with them trying to find date - maybe they can come in the fall around Fall Fest,” Hauser said. “So far we don’t have that set up, there’s just not a lot of carnivals out there that come to smaller communities.”

Commissioner Mark McGaughey asked if they could be like Leota and just have their own, and Hauser said it’s a matter of having the volunteers to work it.

“It’s hard to get it off the ground,” Hauser said. “I’d like to see it if somebody was willing to take that on.”

Hauser said another thing the Chamber does for budget purposes is a silent auction at the museum each November.

“That’s a popular event, not only to me for revenue, but also to the community,” she added. “It’s kind of a fun night out, so we’re planning to do that again, as well.”

A lot of what the Chamber does is quality of life events - such as the KSN Summer Celebration a few weeks ago at Frazier Park.

“I think that’s important,” Hauser said. “I think that benefits businesses because if you have employees that are happy with the quality of life, they’re more apt to stick around.

“You guys know what we do, I’m here to seek your support if you find it in your budget to do that again this year.”

Hauser said the Chamber budgets a negative balance and has been able to break even the last few years.

“I would love to request more if there’s any more in the budget to request,” Hauser said. “But I know you guys have a lot of people coming and asking, too, so whatever you see fit to give, I am not going to turn it down. Budget is a struggle, but it’s a struggle for everybody.”


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