Farm Bureau Works Hard To 'Build Professional Team' For Clients


Aside from telling corny jokes and living life on the wild side, Jeff Harms has spent the last 12 years as a dedicated, charismatic insurance agent. Breaking away from the business aspect of our local FBFS agent, Harms let us in on what makes him tick outside of insurance.

“I am a riskier individual. I don’t really fit into the mold of an insurance agent," Harms said. "I love riding dirt bikes. I love going skydiving. I am a scuba diver. I’m a free diver. I work really hard, but when I’m not working, I play as hard as I can!”

In 2011, Jeff and his wife settled down in Johnson, Kans., after she accepted a teaching position there. That November, his dreams of owning a business came true. Harms began serving as an agent for Farm Bureau Financial Services. When choosing his agency, he decided on FBFS for the sake of the relationship.

“Whenever we’re operating with a relationship, it is more of a client relationship rather than a customer," Harms said. "The way I define the difference between a client and a customer is you walk in and there is something you want to change so you say ‘okay done’! Whenever it’s a client, you think through how their world will be impacted by that change. We are trying to be proactive in sniffing out issues and protecting their world.”

As a native to the area, Harms touched on his experience working in Grant County.

“I grew up here. I’m from here," he said. "The main reason why I got my start in Johnson is the option wasn’t in Ulysses at the time. It opened up! It’s where I’m from. It’s where my family had their businesses. I’m happy to be back!”

Protecting the world of Grant County residents is one of the most enjoyable things for Harms.

“It sounds like a cop-out just saying ‘the people’ but, genuinely, the best thing is the people," he said. "I’m able to rub shoulders with certain business owners who I don’t believe I could rub shoulders with and learn from otherwise. Another one is we have, a lot of us, an aging population. Within this aging population, there are a lot of people who have life experience. I’m able to, in working with them, learn things that impact my life which allow me to impact other clients' lives. It has really helped me have a different perspective. It really is the people. It is where the value of an insurance agent is still seen, out here. They are just looking for someone they can count on to take care of what they need taken care of.”

The Ulysses location, opened in 2021, has three employees of which Harms credits for many admirable qualities.

“We have a very impressive team," he said. "We have 24 years of combined experience. We are working hard to build up a professional team that offers up the client relationship I do. I’m empowering my team. It’s not just Jeff Harms’ agency. It’s not just me. We have a really good team that works really hard. We are the boots on the ground.”

Jeff and his team offer several lines of insurance including home, auto, commercial, crop, life, disability, health, farm, and air med. For financial services, they offer retirement planning, mutual funds, financial plans, and wealth management.

When serving the community, the job of an insurance agent is more than salesmanship. Goals set by Harms are solely in the best interest of his clientele.

“For every client that walks in, we wish for them to have a welcoming, warm greeting," he said. "We may not solve every single issue, but every time you walk in our door, we want your day to be slightly better. I cannot guarantee you will not receive a corny joke. I’ve admitted several times that maybe my jokes won’t get better, but maybe you’ll laugh nonetheless!"

When leading clients to answers, Jeff relies on the strength of questions.

“The goal is that options lead to good decisions,” he said. “A lot of times, we’re just walking through life having to make decisions when we don’t know all the information. We come with an educator’s heart. We are trying to educate you on the options available so you are empowered to know what is best for you in your next step moving forward. There are a lot of agencies that say ‘we like this product’, which is fine but it’s like a hammer looking for a nail. What we try to do is have you come in to get to know you. There are a lot of different questions to better understand what you’re going through. If I believe something is a perfect product or solution, but through our explanation, they don’t understand it, that is not a product they should be in. There are a lot of different things coming available that really seem like a good direction, but if they don’t understand or feel comfortable with it, that is very important. Taking care of people’s money is very important, but making sure they feel good about it, too, is equally important.”

When it comes to other insurance companies, Harms doesn’t sweat the competition. He spoke on the benefits of being with FBFS.

“It’s something I’m very thankful for, that Farm Bureau has structured themselves the way they are," he said. "The current company projection or direction they’re going in, a lot of insurance companies are experiencing a lot of pressure from inflation. There are a lot of things Farm Bureau did in past years that prepared them financially to not have to follow what all the other insurance companies are having to do rate-wise with all the inflation. I’m very impressed with that. We have navigated this last year very well.”

With the ever-increasing amount of insurance companies out there, Harms gave advice to those who may be searching for the right one.

“You need trusted advisors in your world," he said. "Trusted insurance agents, attorneys, accountants. All of these circles overlap each other. It does not mean there’s just one person. It’s all of us working together with you in the center to make sure it works out well for you.”

Harms has contributed thousands to the Ulysses community. They met the silver level for Grant County Gives, sponsored golf tournaments, donated items for the Chamber of Commerce’s silent auction, and much more.

Speaking on supporting the community, Harms said,, “We are really looking to be that place people know we are in full support of their community. It’s the whole framework I come from - I have never experienced the generosity Southwest Kansas gives. It is fundamentally different than other places I’ve been. I want to join in with that 100 percent.”

For any questions or concerns about insurance and financial services, you can come to 924 West Oklahoma Avenue from 8:30 am to 12 pm and 1-5 pm Monday through Friday.


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