Hospital Auxiliary Meets For December


BWMH Auxiliary met at the Cooper Clark Room at the Library at 9:30 a.m., December 14. The Auxiliary Prayer and Task were recited.

Eleven members were in attendance: Sue-Ellen Borthwick, Joyce Briggs, Joyce Brom, Vana Campbell, Delores Currier, Taunya Lindahl, Sandy Maris, Kim McGaughey, Jeryl Smith, Doloris Unngles, and Bonnie Walters.

The minutes from the November meeting were approved. Taunya gave out copies of the treasurer report and explained the report. The treasurer’s report was approved as read.

Taunya gave additional information about the Grant County Gives funds spanning the years since it began. BWMH Auxiliary is one of the top organizations in terms of receiving matching funds. Discussion about the credit card system, as Centura is planning to update the equipment before the end of the year. Joyce Briggs and Taunya Lindahl are going to explore solutions to the credit card situation.

Joyce Brom invited anyone interested in helping out as Pink Lady letting her know so training can be arranged. We could use another regular volunteer plus a member available to fill in as needed.  Joyce reviewed the HIPAA guidelines for the hospital.

Deloris Currier announced open spots needed to be covered in the Gift Shop during January. Ladies volunteered so that all spots are covered. The gift shop will be closed Friday, December 23, and Monday, December 26, for Christmas. No pink lady services as well. Furthermore the gift shop will be closed Friday, December 30, and Monday, January 2, for New Years. No pink ladies available also.

A sign-up sheet for the Blood Drive on Thursday, January 5, was passed around for volunteers to bake cookies and to work in the canteen. The sign-up sheet is posted in the gift shop for anyone wanting to volunteer to bake cookies – we need two more ladies to each bake 2 dozen cookies. One more worker is needed for the 4:30-6:30 work slot. Thank you for helping out.

Delores Currier shared information about Pink Out on February 14. Moved, Seconded, and Passed Unanimously to donate $100 plus a silent auction basket valued at least $100. Kim McGaughey volunteered to take care of the silent auction item(s).

Delores thanked all the members for all they do to make our organization strong. Many ladies do extra things, not always noticed or recognized. Carol Spady, Sue-Ellen Borthwick, Taunya Lindahl, and Bonnie Walters use their creative skills crocheting and sewing gift items. Jeryl Smith cleans and dusts during her work shift. Kim McGaughey re-works the shelf displays to make things look tidy and inviting.

Taunya Lindahl mentioned that the District #6 meeting will be in Liberal on April 4, 2023.

Installation of Officers: Jeryl Smith, Sue-Ellen Borthwick, and Kim Martin – Members at Large; Vana Campbell – Secretary, Taunya Lindahl – Treasurer, Bonnie Walters – Vice-President, and Delores Currier – President. Joyce had a little demonstration of the value of TEAMWORK and how we’re stronger when we work together.

The meeting adjourned at 10:35 a.m. After adjournment, members combined the plentiful supply of baked goods that members brought for the library staff as a thank you for letting the Auxiliary meet in a comfortable room each month … and we ended up being able to give not only the library staff baked goodies but also platters for the Hospital Nursing station upstairs, dietary and housekeeping staff, and ER department. In addition to the baked treats for the library, we gave the library staff a generous cash gift to use for library needs or a staff fun night.

The next meeting will be Wednesday, January 11, 2023.


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