Life in the Headlights

"Maybe we should all have more grace."


The Olympics has been in the forefront of late, particularly after a boxing match lasting a mere 46 seconds, left one of the competitors in tears.

Reactions from the matchup were quick and many were harsh to say the least. Algeria’s Imane Khelif was said to be transgender and "not really a woman" at all. Main stream media fueled the fire, resulting in outrage from the  masses.

And then, the "truth" came out. Khelif is not transgender but instead, has "differences in sex development" also known as DSD. I had to look it up. I had never heard of such a thing. But guess what? From what I have been able to find - it appears to be legitimate.

DSD is described by  the National Health Service as a “group of rare conditions involving genes, hormones and reproductive organs, including genitals” which “means a person’s sex development is different to most other people’s”.

In other words, Khelif, supposedly has more XY chromosomes - and basically is more like a male in many ways.

Considering that possibility, I wondered - how has her life been? Has she been bullied for the majority of it?  She didn't ask to be born that way - it just happened.

For that reason, those who jumped on the Khelif hate bandwagon owe her an apology.

But then, I also considered her opponent - Italian Angela Carini.  Was the matchup fair?

Don't get me wrong, I don't believe it is Khelif's fault there was a matchup. I do, however, have to wonder if the two coming up as opponents was the right thing to do.

If Khelif is more like a man physically, is it really fair that she was put in a ring against Carini who is more like a woman? Carini is one tough lady - if she wasn't she wouldn't have made it to the Olympics. The differences physically between men and women should be taken in to account when in the sports world.

It should be considered, but should it be stopped? I think common sense needs to definitely come in to play. Not prejudice - common sense. Sports should not be somewhere that an athlete is in danger of coming out alive. It is a competition. It is tough. And it can get out of hand.

I feel for both athletes. It's not an easy question to answer. Carini should not have been matched up against someone who is more like a man in physical ability and Khelif should not be discriminated against because she is different.

But, what is the answer?

If Khelif had been transgender, to me, the answer would have been simple. No.

I know there are some women strong enough who could defeat some men. And if both opponents are okay with a matchup and understand the risks - that is up to them.

But it should not be a matchup such as the Olympics where one has worked hard to reach a certain level in their career. It should not be something that causes that dream to be crushed.

What is the answer?

Maybe we all need to have more grace.


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