Pretty Is As Pretty Does, But Where's Modesty?

We need to go back to right and wrong.


When I first heard it, I stopped. "Naked dress" - what on earth? Surely that isn't a thing?

Being the curious one I am - I looked it up. I could feel my eyes getting wider in surprise (maybe even shock) as I looked through photo after photo of what a "naked dress" is.

What part of that is a dress? It doesn't cover anything. It doesn't leave anything to the imagination. What in the world is wrong with this country?

I realize I am from the Baby Boomer generation. Some might even refer to us as "old fuddy duddies". 

The clothes in style when I was growing up included bell bottoms, capris, gogo boots, and yes, even very short dresses and skirts. There may have also been a mid-riff or two; however, everything was pretty tame in the clothing department, unless, of course, you were one of the wild hippy crowd who "lived and loved" freely.

I look back at pictures from my school days and wonder how I ever was allowed out of the house with such a short skirt or dress on? And of course they weren't complete without high platform shoes.

I remember my grandmother saying "pretty is, as pretty does." It took me awhile to understand what she was talking about, but that phrase comes to mind a lot for me these days.

Does anyone even remember what modesty means? Why it's important?

When it comes to what is in "fashion", what is in "style" - it doesn't appear to take much these days. As I pondered the changes in attire - I had pause for thought: "I wonder how much I could sell a couple of hankies for? Some scrap material?" I mean it doesn't appear to take a whole lot for an "outfit" to be considered an outfit.

Showing as much skin as possible seems to be the rule of thumb these days. Celebrities seem to be setting the tone for that one and go to the farthest extreme they can with their "fashion freedoms".

Even so, why is it people put so much stalk in what celebrities are doing?

They put their pants (when they are wearing any) on one leg at a time just like everybody else. Of course, not everybody thinks it's okay to leave absolutely nothing to the imagination when it comes to clothing and that includes celebrities.

I was really disappointed to see even Country Music stars getting in on this "trend", when I saw a news story about what some of them wore to the Country Music Awards. One gal's "dress" looked more like a curtain just draped on "part of her".

So once again, I had a moment of reflection.

Do they not have any more faith in their God given talent than that? Do they really think it's necessary to show as much skin as possible in order to sell people on their music?

Just think - the amount of "wardrobe malfunctions" would most likely go down if there was more wardrobe being utilized.

I listen to all kinds of music. Most of the time I prefer not to watch a video or see them live and this is why - I would rather listen to their songs than watch the "display" of talent they provide along with it.

I wish they would follow in the footsteps of those who have sold millions, become successful, etc., while at the same time actually wearing clothes. I venture to say George Strait never walked out on stage in a "naked" pair of jeans. Kate Middleton has never made an appearance in a "naked" dress or something so low cut it really couldn't claim to have a top to it.

Others I could point out who (as far as I have seen dress modestly) include Meryl Streep, Adele, Jennifer Garner, Ivanka Trump, Michelle Obama, Jennifer Lawrence, Loretta Lynn, and the list (believe it or not) goes on.

All of those women, although I'm not a fan of all of them, dress modestly and guess what? They are still famous. They are still successful. They actually have respect from those who follow them.

They didn't need to "show it all" in order to get somewhere in life.

Women say they want respect. They say they want to be validated. I don't see how you can get that if you dress with skin in mind. I'm not saying you're not a good person. And, I'm sure you must be "proud of what you have". I'm just saying you don't have to show everyone what you have.

It makes no sense to say, "well people shouldn't look then." Let me point out the obvious to you captain - if you are going to do something outrageous, out of the ordinary, different - people are going to look. And wasn't that really your goal to begin with anyway? Didn't you want to be noticed?

It's like makeup - most women want people to notice when they look their best. Everyone  - men and women - want people to "admire" them or "notice" them in one way or another.

I just wish those who choose to "dress" in that "fashion" would choose to want to be admired a little less "out there."

But, that's just my opinion and not everyone will agree with it. And, "outrageous" seems to be the theme for this old world whether some of us "like it or not."

There are so many things  going on in this day and age I don't understand.  I know I am taking a chance voicing one of those here. It seems no matter what it is, if you don't understand it, you have to use caution in asking any questions or showing in any way you don't agree with it. Why? Because that is also a "trend" these days. Everybody is supposed to "like everything" and "everybody" or they are accused of being hateful, closed minded, bigoted, etc. etc.

I don't like sour candy, but nobody seems to be up in arms when I say that.

I know not everyone is going to like everything I wear. Everything I do. Everything I say. And guess what? That's okay. But I hope I never do anything so dangerous to the morals we once held so dear in this country.

I'm not saying I think you're a bad person if you are showing some skin - I'm just saying we should be mindful of what it means to have respect for ourselves and other people. To remember it's not just an adult world - there are children present here too, and they are watching our every move.

Less isn't always more. You don't have to "show everything you have" in order to be noticed, liked, respected, etc. The important thing is what you are inside. Not what the outer wrapping looks like.

What is "right and wrong" doesn't ever seem to be taken in to consideration at all any more. What people do behind closed doors used to be private. Now, it seems not only is it being shouted from the rooftops, you can't watch a television show or movie without seeing it on the screen.

I know change is inevitable. I know change can be good. It can also be said, however, that some change can be bad. We all could use a dose of reality and go back to thinking before we act. Go back to believing there is a difference between right and wrong and what should go in each of those boxes.

I wish parents in Florida and the rest of the world would spend more time going after what is wrong in today's clothing, music and movies and leave Michaelangelo alone. But that's another story.


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