Voice of the Student - December 26, 2022


Photo Montage

The air

The chalk on my hands that seal my effort

The people in the stands

Clapping their hands


Big strong and witty

Dangerous but not without control

Kind but not harmless

Heart on his sleeves next to iron


Lemonade is his cure

McDonalds in his desire

He tried to make things run

But Always found a way to make things fun


Life gets heavy

The heavier the better

The cold metal

The loud music the good times


Helping the ones that provide

Changing lives

Rolling the dice

Getting paid to be nice


Peace and quiet

Peace of mind

A place to sit and spend my time

away from work away from grind


The design of the spike

The throw so precise

The practice it will take

To make no mistakes


The harmony

The symphony

The heart that you can hear out loud

Trying something new and succeeding


Restoring the roar is his song

He works to make pride strong

The only thing that makes him frown?

When the lineman fails to stay down


Looks over the commons and does not interfere

Strong and dangerous

But not loud or blaring

Represents more than it is with pride


Big and orange

Strong and tall

But without the right people

It means nothing at all

He came from our rival

But now is our ally

Grinds for the tigers

And doesn’t bat an eye


We stretch out our muscles

So that they do not tear

And we are deprived

From cheers flying through the air


It’s just a big cat

But to me it’s more than that

It means we have somewhere to belong

Because the tiger stands strong


The pride is coming back

But the food is still terrible

So, I will drink water

Instead of waiting in line

For something that tastes unbearable


There are squares

And rectangles

But more notable

Is the man shaped like a triangle?


They just finished a lecture

And let their brains rest

Because soon Ricky will erupt with knowledge

To make them their very best


I told him to pose

It took longer than you think

He would rather do a flip

Than smile don’t you think?


He got stuck on one word

And focused all that he could

And he eventually read it aloud

But it didn’t sound as it should


One day someone said ¨look¨

See what I can do!

But all we saw was our sprinter limping away

And all we heard was silence

But we felt the embarrassment from what he had threw.


Chase Phelps is a senior at Ulysses High School. He is the son of Jason and Shelley Phelps

In collaboration with Ulysses High School teacher Jodi Pfingsten, the Ulysses News will feature a student column. Student writings are submitted by Mrs. Pfingsten after being edited in class. Student subjects and writing styles will vary based on guidelines set forth by Mrs. Pfingsten and the Ulysses News.


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