Voice of the Student - January 9, 2023



If you died tomorrow, would you say you lived your life to the fullest? Some people spend their whole lives working towards a better future and never get there. Others live day by day and would still say they have lived their best life. Life is not how many years you live, but how you live it.

Life is a highway. You never know where you'll end up at the end of the day, or what might happen. Always make sure to take care of yourself and take necessary breaks along the way. It is always important to be prepared for bumps in the road, so you are ready to handle the situation. Throughout my life, there have been a few unexpected turns, but at the end of the day I never give up. I believe no matter what you go through things can always get better, if you want it and strive for better.

Life is like a movie. You never know what may happen next, it could even be unexpected. There will also be times when conflict arises, and you will have to find the best solution to solve the problem. Most people throughout their lives will make predictions of how their future will be or how they hope for it to go. Most often in life, there is always a solution to the problem you are dealing with. Sometimes you also only get a little preview or introduction to something you are about to do, or start.

Life is like losing your first tooth. Many things only happen once in your lifetime, if you think about it. Take chances, and pull the tooth while you can. Always remember to live in the moment. Remember to never take anything for granted, no matter what it is, big or small. Being grateful and making those once-in-a-lifetime memories is always good for the soul as well. I like to always tell myself “you only live once, so be your best, be smart, make the most out of every day, and don't take anything for granted”!

At the end of the day always remember: life is what you make out of it, especially when handling tough situations. I believe the bad days don’t last forever, even if your life is crazy like a movie or some highway. Always live your life like it’s your last day, so if tomorrow was your last day you would have some of the best memories.

Emma Bahl is a senior at Ulysses High School. She is the daughter of Bryce Bahl and Marjorie Umberger.

In collaboration with Ulysses High School teacher Jodi Pfingsten, the Ulysses News will feature a student column. Student writings are submitted by Mrs. Pfingsten after being edited in class. Student subjects and writing styles will vary based on guidelines set forth by Mrs. Pfingsten and the Ulysses News.


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