Letter To The Editor


I’m Ruby Garza and I am a parent to my special needs little girl Jocelyn whom attends Hickok School as a 1st grader.

Since last year, I’ve been trying to get more resources for the handicapped at Hickok School, for example, handicap parking in front of the school so I could take and pick my daughter up from school at normal times, except the only handicap parking is by the janitor entrance next to the dumpster. Well if you have seen how drop off and pick up gets its pretty much impossible to get to that handicap parking which leaves me to picking my daughter up behind the school where the buses go, and I have to pick her up around 3pm-3:10pm before buses show up.

Another thing that makes me proud to say is I’ve been talking to Superintendent Corey Burton to ask if there was anyway to do something with the playground area so that those with special needs are able to play and interact with other children. So i asked if he could get ramps put by the swing sets so a wheelchair could go over to swings.

I have to say it’s baby steps, by my voice was heard and for the first time ever at USD 214, Mr. Burton has had a ramp put in by the swings by the bus stop as well as a ramp for the Pre K by the big-toy.

It has brought so much joy to my heart, and I felt like it would be worth letting our Ulysses residents know that our children with special needs will finally not be on the sidelines or be forgotten. Little by little, I will do my best to advocate for children with all different disabilities, knowing that they deserve to enjoy the outdoors just like anyone else. It’s time to fight for not just my little girl Jocelyn, but for all the children now and those in the future. This has been long over due and I know it will take time, but a ramp is definitely a start and I hope our city parks will make a change as well.


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