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Grant County Fair has been buzzing with activity and this weekend will be the opportunity for residents and visitors to take in the "greatest show on dirt".
The Ulysses Stampede Rodeo is set for Saturday and Sunday, July 27-28, at Grant County Fairgrounds rodeo arena.
According to one of the six directors on the board, the event was formed around 2019-2020.
"I have been with the Ulysses Stampede for five years now," said one of the directors, Braven Phelps. "Grant County Commissioners and Grant County Fair Board had a notion to rebuild the facilities. So, we tore down and rebuilt the entire facility in 2020."
The event has continued to grow since that time and their efforts have garnered them some recognition.
"We have grown our added money thanks to our sponsors," Phelps said. "With that, we have been voted for the last three years as the KPR Rodeo Of The year. Last year, we actually added the Largest Purse KPR Rodeo Of The Year so we got two awards at their finals. We feel like we have done a good job of continuing to grow our rodeo and get contestants. We've had former NFR qualifiers who have come in for it, current circuit guys that go all over. And some from the Prairie Circuits and surrounding circuits who come through."
Phelps said they have increased the total payout this year from last year.
"Total payout for this year is close to $40,000," Phelps said. "Our added money that we added is $23,500. The difference of about $17,000 is contestant entries."
There are around 240 contestants who will be at this year's rodeo, according to Phelps.
"That is about normal," he said. "We are the biggest rodeo of that weekend, when in comparison to all the other rodeos going on then - there are about seven of them. We have the most entries."
The only thing different this year from last year's events is the added money.
"Last year we were at $20,000 and this year we have added an extra $3,500," Phelps said.
Phelps and other board members still have more to do.
"Our goal is to be the biggest and best amateur rodeo in a five state area," Phelps said. "We've been able to do that. Our goal was $2,000 an event and we've hit that this year. We are very proud of that. We would't have been able to do that without our tremendous sponsors who help us every year."
Events spectators will be able to take in are: bareback riding, steer wrestling, ranch bronk riding, tye down roping, break away roping, saddle bronc riding, team roping, barrel racing, and bull riding.
There will be a muttin bustin'; however, it is not part of the rodeo activities - the fair board will host that during Wednesday night activities.
When asked how many people it takes to get this show going, Phelps said there are "several moving parts".
"There are six members of our board and the contractor brings his team - probably 12 guys and gals - and then of course there are the volunteers," Phelps said. "I would say 40-50 people who help make the production of the rodeo run smoothly."
You can't beat the price of attending the annual event - it is free.
"That's thanks to the commissioners," Phelps said. "They wanted to keep it a free rodeo and we want to maintain that."
For those who like to partake, there will also be refreshments, including beer.
"Last year was the first year we were able to serve beer," Phelps said. "We will have a beer line. So if you are within the perimeter of the spectator seating, we will be selling beer on the property - if you're 21."
Phelps expressed appreciation for those who make the event possible.
"All of our board members which is comprised of Pat McCormick, Larry Borthwick, Wacey Munsell, Scott Buxman, Ryan Rice and myself, along with all of the volunteers who help put this on," he said. "Special thanks to our wives for all of the help they give by working the concession stand and selling merchandise. All of the volunteers who help put this on - we couldn't do it without them and our sponsors."
Merchandise that will be available for sale at the event includes T-shirts, stickers and ballcaps.
Phelps encourages everyone to attend this year's Ulysses Stampede events.
"We feel like we put on a good show for the community and it shows with the vast number of entries we have. It's a good time," Phelps said. "The weather is supposed to be beautiful. And, it is the greatest show on dirt."
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